*****Update 20/02/2013*****
Since three of the winners failed to respond to all of my messages, I was forced to choose runner-up winners. You can find their names below. As of now all winners have been contacted and all sponsors know where to send their gifts! It's been fun you guys, thanks!
Since three of the winners failed to respond to all of my messages, I was forced to choose runner-up winners. You can find their names below. As of now all winners have been contacted and all sponsors know where to send their gifts! It's been fun you guys, thanks!
Hello everybody! How are you doing?
Γεια σας και χαρά σας!
I hope you’ve had a great day yesterday, regardless of any Valentines
celebrations or not. We at the Etsy Greek Street Team celebrated our love for
the team and its 4rth birthday!
Ελπίζω να περάσατε όμορφα χτες ακόμα και αν δεν γιορτάζατε την γιορτή των ερωτευμένων. Εμείς πάντως στην Ελληνική Ομάδα του ETSY γιορτάσαμε την αγάπη που έχουμε για την ομάδα της και τα 4α γενέθλια της!
The huge giveaway is over and we are over the top excited and thankful
for your amazing participation! We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for
your warm wished, for hearting our shops and liking our facebook pages and for
every other thing you did that showed your interest in the team and its shops!
Ο διαγωνισμός της ομάδας τελείωσε και είμαστε σούπερ ευτυχισμένοι από την συμμετοχή σας! Σας ευχαριστούμε από καρδιάς για τις υπέροχες ευχές σας, για τα καρδουλίσματα στα μαγαζιά μας, τα likes στις σελίδες μας και όλες τις συμμετοχές σας που δηλώνουν το ενδιαφέρον σας στην ομάδα και τα μαγαζιά της!
Now, it’s time to announce the winners! Are you excited? Well I will not
hold off any longer, here they are:
Ήρθε η ώρα να ανακοινώσουμε τους νικητές! Έχετε αγωνία ε? Δεν θα καθυστερήσω άλλο τότε, ορίστε:
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1. Earrings by AntigoniCreations 2. Shadow Box by ILaBoom 3. Wire tree by WireMyTree 4. Necklace by HugsKissesMINI 5. Earrings by dimitrART 6. Ring by AngelasSweetGarden |
Gift pack #1 goes to va, aka squirrel33 Katy Alderton
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1. Earrings by MistyAurora 2. Notebooks by FabulousCatPapers 3. Necklace by BeYOUtifulHandmade 4. Ring by NocturneHandcrafts 5. Earrings by CloudPearls 6. Earrings by VSbagzzz |
Gift pack #2 goes to savvina al. aka wishsupplies
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1. Hair bow by Akamatra 2. Bag by Milloo 3. Notebook by 10antemeridiem 4. Necklace by Amoronia |
Gift pack #3 goes to dimitra balli aka eowyn.amroth * Αναστασια Κακουλιδου
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1. Necklace by HardResols 2. Bracelets by PinezaJewelry 3. Poster by Upgradegr 4. Earrings by ThePurpleBalloon 5. Brooches by OnePerfectDay 6. Earrings by SwingRings |
Gift pack #4 goes to βασω τζιμοπουλου
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1. Cord & Beads by WishSupplies 2. Original Artwork by Valasia123 3. Bracelets by MammaGCreations 4. Brooch by MeandMamaCreations |
Gift pack #5 goes to Ines Passatempos Αλεξιαδου θεοδοσια
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1. Journal by Hirotechnion 2. Earrings by EfZinCreations 3. Wall art by Pitsispopis 4. Necklace by PROPSfashion 5. Pendant by Cubo 6. Earrings by PieceofCakeHJ |
Gift pack #6 goes to crystal
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1. Brooch by Pergamondo 2. Tablemats by loulalalou 3. Earrings by largentolab 4. Wall decor by fishesmakewisheshome 5. Earrings by devinedecadance 6. Necklace by beh1ndbymk |
Gift pack #7 goes to Io Sophia aka dare0n
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1. Ring by FabulousCat 2. Earrings by KorinaJewellery 3. Bracelet by kokona 4. Necklace by EVIsMetalworkJewelry |
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1. Necklace by nafsika 2. Earrings by zOOzART 3. Necklace by colortreasures 4. Photograph by DailyReflections 5. Earrings by BlackRedDots 6. Earrings by WoodenTreeHouse |
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1. Earrings by zdrop 2. Cup cozy by Akamatra 3. Dolls by ERGANIweaving 4. Necklace by nikiforosnelly 5. Ring by LullabyGR 6. Necklace by melydiahandmade |
Gift pack #10 goes to zina zacharaki
* those entries are pending confirmation. If they are not confirmed another winner will be choosen.
* αυτές οι συμμετοχές μένει να επιβεβαιωθούν. Σε περίπτωση μη επιβεβαιώσης θα επιλεχθεί άλλος νικητής.
All the winners names have also been displayed on the rafflecopters here.
Όλοι οι νικητές έχουν ανακοινωθεί επίσης μέσα στα rafflecopters εδω.
Lucky, lucky, lucky people!
Those of you who see their names will be getting an e-mail from me soon.
The goodies are going to be in the mail reaaaaaally soon!!!!
Όσοι από εσάς είδατε τα ονόματά σας, θα λάβετε ένα e-mail από εμένα σύντομα! Τα καλούδια που κερδίσατε θα είναι καθοδόν πολύ σύντομα!!!!!
Thank you so very much for taking part in our Huge Giveaway Celebration.
Don’t forget to check the blog, cause we have an amazing giveaway every month!
We love making gifts for our supporters!
Σας ευχαριστούμε πολύ που συμμετείχατε στον Τεράστιο Εορταστικό μας Διαγωνισμό. Μην ξεχνάτε ότι κάθε μήνα έχουμε έναν υπέροχο διαγωνισμό στο μπλογκ μας! Μας αρέσει πολύ να χαρίζουμε δώρα στους υποστηρικτές μας!
Warm wishes
Φιλιά πολλά!