Το όνομα γρανάτης
{garnet} προέρχεται
από τη λατινική λέξη "grantum", η οποία
αποδίδεται ως «ρόδι». Η ονομασία αποδόθηκε
λόγω της ομοιότητας των κρυστάλλων με
τους σπόρους του καρπού τόσο σε σχήμα
όσο και στο ερυθρό
του χρώμα. Οι αρχαίοι
Αιγύπτιοι αλλά και οι αρχαίοι Έλληνες
με το γρανάτη κατασκεύαζαν περιδέραια,
καρφίτσες, πόρπες και βραχιόλια. Στην
Ιταλία το φορούσαν οι χήρες για να βρουν
νέο σύζυγο. Αλλά και σύμφωνα με το
εβραϊκό Ταλμούδ ένας γρανάτης τεραστίων
διαστάσεων φώτιζε την κιβωτό του Νώε
κατά τη διάρκεια του κατακλυσμού. Από
τότε θεωρείται ένα πετράδι κατάλληλο
για ταξιδιώτες.
The name garnet comes from the Latin word "grantum", which translates as "pomegranate". The name was attributed because of the similarity of the crystals in shape and color to the seeds of the fruit.The ancient Egyptians and the ancient Greeks manufactured necklaces, dressmaking pins, buckles and bracelets with garnet. In Italy the widows wore it to find a new spouse. Also in accordance with the Jewish Talmud a garnet of enormous dimensions illuminated Noah's Ark during the flood. Since then it is considered a jewel suitable for travelers.
The name garnet comes from the Latin word "grantum", which translates as "pomegranate". The name was attributed because of the similarity of the crystals in shape and color to the seeds of the fruit.The ancient Egyptians and the ancient Greeks manufactured necklaces, dressmaking pins, buckles and bracelets with garnet. In Italy the widows wore it to find a new spouse. Also in accordance with the Jewish Talmud a garnet of enormous dimensions illuminated Noah's Ark during the flood. Since then it is considered a jewel suitable for travelers.
Αυτός ο κρύσταλλος
επιδρά ηρεμιστικά και εξισορροπεί τα
αντικρουόμενα συναισθήματα, ανοίγοντας
το δρόμο για τη συμφιλίωση, την ειρήνη
και την αγάπη. Διώχνει την
αρνητικότητα, είναι χρήσιμος σε περιόδους
κρίσης και όπου φαίνεται ότι υπάρχει
αδιέξοδο. Ο γρανάτης μπορεί να προστατέψει
τον κάτοχό του από τους εφιάλτες, αλλά
και από κάθε λογής ατύχημα, κυρίως
ταξιδιωτικό. Προσφέρει άμεση ενεργητικότητα,
ακονίζει την αντίληψη, βοηθά στη σύλληψη
έξυπνων επιχειρηματικών ιδεών και
φέρνει επιτυχία σε κάθε είδους ενασχόληση
καθώς αυξάνει τη δημιουργικότητα.
This crystal has soothing effects and balances conflicting emotions, paving the way for reconciliation, peace and love. It removes negativity,it is useful in times of crisis and when there seems to be an impasse. Garnet can protect its owner from nightmares, but also all sorts of accidents, especially during trips. It offers immediate vigor, sharpens perception, it helps to capture smart business ideas and brings success in any kind of work as it increases creativity.
This crystal has soothing effects and balances conflicting emotions, paving the way for reconciliation, peace and love. It removes negativity,it is useful in times of crisis and when there seems to be an impasse. Garnet can protect its owner from nightmares, but also all sorts of accidents, especially during trips. It offers immediate vigor, sharpens perception, it helps to capture smart business ideas and brings success in any kind of work as it increases creativity.
Ο γρανάτης
σύμφωνα με τις
birthstones είναι
η πέτρα του Ιανουαρίου.
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υπάρχουν και
πολλά τα οποία είναι επηρεασμένα και
από τις birthstones!
Είναι αυτά που ψάχνουν οι περισσότεροι
και αυτά που προωθεί περισσότερο για
ένα μήνα!
Garnet according with the birthstones is the stone of January.
Each day Etsy promotes items from various trends in a newsletter sent to your inbox (if you are not a subscriber quickly click here). At the beginning of each month the Etsy Finds Newsletter gets its inspiration from the birthstones of the month! These trends are what buyers are looking for and what Etsy will promote during the month!
Each day Etsy promotes items from various trends in a newsletter sent to your inbox (if you are not a subscriber quickly click here). At the beginning of each month the Etsy Finds Newsletter gets its inspiration from the birthstones of the month! These trends are what buyers are looking for and what Etsy will promote during the month!
Add the keyword any way you can in your object's listing! Whether you are using the stone itself or have an item with this color! Use it in the title, the description and your tags! If you have a jewelry shop start uploading your items made with this stone! If you have prints or t-shirts you can design diamond in red! If you make accessories use the color of the stone in your creations!
Add the keyword any way you can in your object's listing! Whether you are using the stone itself or have an item with this color! Use it in the title, the description and your tags! If you have a jewelry shop start uploading your items made with this stone! If you have prints or t-shirts you can design diamond in red! If you make accessories use the color of the stone in your creations!
Λέξεις κλειδιά!
January birthstone, birthstone jewelry, raw garnet, crystal garnet,
garnet stone, red garnet, gemstone
Garnet, January birthstone, birthstone jewelry, raw garnet, crystal garnet, garnet stone, red garnet, gemstone
Garnet, January birthstone, birthstone jewelry, raw garnet, crystal garnet, garnet stone, red garnet, gemstone
1.BohoBoutique 2.FairytailFlower 3.Entinalane Entinalane 4.Kalypsocreations
5.Amoreecolore 6.Nafsika
μήνας και μια πέτρα! Πάλι μαζί τον
Έως τότε αγαπήστε τον γρανάτη!
Every month and a stone! See you again in February!
Until then love garnet!
Έως τότε αγαπήστε τον γρανάτη!
Every month and a stone! See you again in February!
Until then love garnet!