After our successful summer bazaar and Etsy Meet Up, our team decided to take a further step. We organized at the center of Athens our first big three-day long (3-4-5 of December) Christmas bazaar that took place in BOOZE COOPERATIVA, a well known venue that hosts many alternative performances and events.
In our bazaar were also invited artists and crafters outside Etsy and it was promoted in the media, internet and radio stations.
Everybody thought it rocked!
It resulted in lots of sales, kudos, nice words for our work and not to mention plenty of questions about Etsy, that people saw mentioned on our business cards.
Our enthusiasm and good spirit turned the Christmas bazaar into a big party that will remain a happy memory in our heads for a long time.
On our Facebook page people are already asking for the next one!!!
The title of our Christmas bazaar was "Ya Sta Cheria Mas!", a greek expression that is used when congratulating someone that made something beautiful with his hands.
The three members of our team that were responsible for organizing the event are: Anta aka Anta, Maria aka Blackredots and Eleanna aka zdrop.
Members that participated are:
Anta, antasupplies, Antigoni, LaSousourella, Articles Uniques, BlackRedDots, Coccinellina, Calidoscopio, Creations by Eve, Petitebroderie, Cricket Handmade, Elenapaint, Elsahats, Ergani Weaving, Eried, Evrydiki, Feel what I Felt, La Cravatte Du Chien, Mariastudio, Elixirio, Nafsika, Olympias, FoxInTheBox Pergamondo, Psarokokalo, Sidirom, Sweetleeda, Zdrop
Friends of Etsy Greek Street Team that also participated:
Angela's creations, Art by Artemis, Belle Epoque, Bonheur, Candia Shop, Crazy Fish, Irini’s Creations, KikaArt, Κλο, Marisa Jewels, Monjour, Nandia, Tati’s Handmade, Theo, Under ConstrUction
Το Χριστουγεννιάτικο bazaar της ομάδας έγινε και η επιτυχία του ήταν πολυ μεγάλη!!!!...
Η διοργάνωση ήταν άψογη και το κέφι στα ύψη!!!!
Επί τρείς ημέρες 3-4-5 Δεκέμβρη στο BOOZE COOPERATIVA γινόταν πραγματικά μια γιορτή!
Η προσέλευση του κόσμου ήταν μεγάλη και με σταθερούς ρυθμούς και το bazaar πολύ πετυχημένο και από άποψη πωλήσεων :)

Με πολύ χαρά ακουγαμε τους επισκέπτες να μιλούν με τα καλύτερα λόγια για τη δουλειά μας αλλα και τα κορίτσια που συμμετείχαν να ρωτούν πότε θα οργανώσουμε το επόμενο....!!!
Συγχαρητήρια αξίζουν και στα 3 μέλη της ομάδας που είχαν αναλάβει τη διοργάνωση, στις Anta, BlackRedDots και Zdrop
τα μέλη του EGST που συμμετείχαν στο bazaar είναι:
Anta, antasupplies, Antigoni, LaSousourella, Articles Uniques, BlackRedDots, Coccinellina, Calidoscopio, Creations by Eve, Petitebroderie, Cricket Handmade, Elenapaint, Elsahats, Ergani Weaving, Eried, Evrydiki, Feel what I Felt, La Cravatte Du Chien, Mariastudio, Elixirio, Nafsika, Olympias, FoxInTheBox Pergamondo, Psarokokalo, Sidirom, Sweetleeda, Zdrop
Friends of Etsy Greek Street Team που επίσης συμμετειχαν:
Angela's creations, Art by Artemis, Belle Epoque, Bonheur, Candia Shop, Crazy Fish, Irini’s Creations, KikaArt, Κλο, Marisa Jewels, Monjour, Nandia, Tati’s Handmade, Theo, Under ConstrUction