Greek style

by Tina

This post was supposed to go up yesterday as it was a National Holiday here. On October 28th 1940, Greece denied to surrender tο Mussolini's regime and by doing so entered 2nd World War. The holiday gave me the idea to look for pictures that bring to mind  Greece and Greek style. Do you think of any of these when you hear "greek style" and what would you add to the list? Would you remove something?

 Cycladic female figurine

Russian ballet dancer Nicolsca photographed in front of the Parthenon by Nelly's in the 1920s.

Saridis furniture inspired by Greek antiquity. This particular chair belongs to the permanent exhibition of the New York Museum of Modern Art.

Ilias Lalaounis jewelry inspired by ancient Greece

 Grecian style haute couture dress

Byzantine icon of 16th century

The picking of olives by Theophilos

Pebble mosaic in Rhode

greek painted sign (jenninrome)

via flickr (katew)

via flickr (cinnamonfeta)